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Donors play a significant role in our organization's work,

We are grateful to those who support our annual events, community projects, volunteer participation, and administrative activities, as well as our field day events.

Checks must be made out to COMMUNITY HANDS AGAINST POVERTY,Account Number 1240702078,Branch KCB MBALE.

Country Kenya, and please write Chap Gift/Donation in the narration line of the banking slip.

When conducting online transactions, use the SWIFT/BIC CODE: KCBLKENX and the BANK CODE: 183.

Registered Mpesa users can use their lines to make Donation or Membership subscription transactions.

Making M-PESA Payments or Donations to a KCB BANK CHAP ACCOUNT.

To pay for the Basic Membership Subscription, go to your M-PESA menu, select Lipa na M-PESA, enter PayBill number 522522, and enter the CHAP account number (1240702078).

Enter the amount, Kes 150 or Kes 300, as well as your M-PESA PIN, and then confirm to send money.

The money will be deposited to Community Hands Against Poverty Account.




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