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Eatablished in 2011,Community Hands Against Poverty (CHAP) is a registered National Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) in Kenya with the mission of assisting in the alleviation of poverty and suffering in the lives of Kenyans.The Board of Directors oversees and evaluates the organisation's everyday operations in addition to assisting with the implementation of funded projects. To be elected to the CHAP board of directors, one must first serve as a committee member and executive director. The executive members are elected for three-year terms that rotate every three years, with the option of running for another three terms.Duty of care, loyalty, respect, obedience, and transparency are among the standards expected of Chap members and teams. Quarterly board meetings are required of board members.

Executive Board as Directors.

A Board of Directors with executive powers. Alfred .K Asena is the Founding Director and Chairperson, Vincent .K Luvisia is Vice-Chair, Nigel Makindu is Treasurer, Phylis Engesia is Secretary, and the five members of the Board's.

Board Members.

Jackline Alivitsa

Nixon Luginu

David Okira

Lucy Nzilani-

Lewis Omari

Farmers and individual  Members.

Joining the Community Hands Against Poverty Small Farm Garden Network and veg growers as small-holder farmers and individual grower annual members demonstrates your commitment to sustainable small-holder farming, working in collaboration with us, and making a greater impact. You may join small-holder family farmers and individuals farms who are interested in using Jack beans as a soil improvement cover crop if you are interested. Even the smallest amount of donation can make a difference, so contribute when people with less resources do. By helping those with more efficiently, you can help us serve those with less.

The efforts of Chap members to fight hunger are admirable and exciting. The Chap sustainable agriculture programme and support for small-holder family farmers who are in need makes them special. Your annual membership supports our projects and efforts to assist vulnerable family farmers and other vulnerable groups in Kenya.When You become or joining Community Hands Against Poverty organization, you will be able to join Chap's regional network and educational programmes, participate in our farmers' events, and chap's as well as other partner network's events.

These subscription rates are only recommendations for regional support membership.

Individual farmer Basic Kes 150.00

Jack bean growers Basic Kes 300.00

Businesss and farms can also use Mpsesa to Subscribe.

We encourage you to work with Community Hands Against Poverty as a powerful way to demonstrate your commitment to food security by supporting Kenyan growers and vulnerable family farmers.

If you prefer to join as an individual grower or farmer, please contact us using the information provided below.

Or if you'd like to make a monthly/yearly gift/donation or membership subscription with Mpesa payment,see below or visit donation tab above/below.

Making M-PESA Payments or Donations to a KCB BANK CHAP ACCOUNT.

To pay for the Basic Membership Subscription, go to your M-PESA menu, select Lipa na M-PESA, enter PayBill number 522522, and enter the CHAP account number (1240702078).

Enter the amount, Kes 150 or Kes 300, as well as your M-PESA PIN, and then confirm to send money.

The money will be deposited to Community Hands Against Poverty Account.

Thank you for becoming a member or renewing your membership.

Our Values 

Grounding our growth in shared beliefs is critical to success. 

Our commitment to excellence, people partnerships, innovation and integrity are at the root of who we are, what we do, and how we work.


We support God given gift in science that shows potential to propel food and agriculture forward with real-world results.

We strive to work effectively, operate nimbly, and respond rapidly to emerging challenges that can be addressed through research and partnership.

We constantly seek solution and innovation funding opportunities that can be seized for the benefit of the food and agriculture system.

Volunteers and Partnership

We need both innovative and fresh minds to help us address today's challenges in food food security, education, health, and equality.
We value diversity and promote inclusion in everything we do, from the teams we build to the farmers and others we help.
Our programs include stakeholder and partner input to produce results that are not only empirical, but also economically viable.
We intend to work and create opportunities where there is none or has previously existed.We welcome collaborations and partnerships founded on trust, shared goals, and the belief that we can accomplish more together than we could alone.


With each project, we survey the field for unmet research and development needs.


Commitment to high ethical and professional standards is the foundation for all we strive to do and achieve.

We hold ourselves accountable to the public we serve by honoring fair, transparent policies and processes seeking stakeholder input frequently.

We are responsible stewards of public and donors funds and the public trust.

We know that by learning and working together, we can strengthen relationships and lay a stronger foundation for farmers, organisations, and leaders to achieve their common goals.

Community Hands Against Poverty

CHAP has its hands and heart on the works of poverty in communities across Kenya, and can help to identify gaps at the systemic level and research.

Phone: +254729969072 /+254762171717

Non Governmental Organization

Registered by Ngo- Coordination Board

Reg No: OP.218/051/14-0354/11019


Sign up now to receive Chap updates on upcoming events and how we are making a difference in people's lives thanks to the generosity of individuals and organisations like you.

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