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Throughout the year, Community Hands Against Poverty plans a variety of activities to support the growth of Kenya's regional communities.

We offer workshops, farmers and jack bean Growers field days, conduct hunger walks, run small on-farm demonstrations, and host stakeholder engagement discussions among other poverty alleviation activities.

Please make sure you don't miss upcoming events by subscribing to CHAP's email list or by following us on social media.

We hope to see you there!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the success of our Field Day on December 6, 2022.

More than 50 people attended the Field Day event, which was open to farmers, groups, institutions, organisations, agribusinesses, and members of the general public from all over Igunga,Sabatia Sub County.

In 2021, the event was intended for Jack bean interested farmers in the pilot region, but chap wanted to broaden the reach of initiatives that are applicable to a broad audience.

Breakfast was served first, followed by a series of exhibitions lasting a few hours. The use of jack bean was a major theme of the day, and attendees witnessed maize + jack bean conservation tillage as well as no-till jack bean planting demonstrations.

The group got to tour the host farmer's newly built manure composting site and learn about  the composting process as well as the equipment needed to compost manure successfully.

Participants could also see finished compost being applied to a vegetable field.Mr Robert Anilo from the Sabatia Sub County Agriculture Office displayed and discussed the advantages of composting and manure for farmers.

Many other stations included kitchen garden establishment and banana growing, which were run by the office of agriculture to educate farmers on how to use this technology in vegetable and banana growing.

A jack bean demo station included a detailed cover crop planting demonstration in which attendees tried a jabber, planting equipment used to plant a recently harvested jack bean by the host farmer, as well as his second trials with the maize plus jack bean inter cropping in a small demo farm for jack beans.

Finally, a representative from a local Community Based Organization (Nondele Nzigwiri) demonstrated beekeeping.

After a long and hot day, participants gathered for lunch and refreshments. Mrs Emily Alumile, Crop Officer from Sabatia Sub County, and Mr Robert Anilo delivered the afternoon keynote addresses, emphasizing the importance of farmers learning from one another and entering farmers Sacco and cooperatives . Farming is widespread with novel techniques. The most effective way to increase adoption of the techniques highlighted at the Field Day is to spread the word through farmer-led conservation and sustainability initiatives. Mr Anilo, as well as other participants, praised Community Hands Against Poverty for their efforts thus far and future projects.

We would like to express our gratitude to our sponsors, Community Money Advice, for allowing us to host and facilitate this field day event.

Thank you to the following farmers for providing fields for the event: Mr. and Mrs. Asena - Jack bean Champions

The Jack Bean Field Day and the programmes provided by Community Hands Against Poverty, host farmers, and exhibitors would not be possible without their assistance, which includes all field day participants.

Upcoming Events

  • Postponed Due to Covid 19 Pandemic! TBD
    Chavakali, Chavakali, Kenya
    Join Chap Hunger Walk and help end hunger and poverty together.Time to act is Now! Join with us to raise funds to help farmers and hungry communities get meals and skills they need to create a sustainable secure future for our children.Register to Join us and change humanity for good.

We Urgently Need Your Support Today!

It will Help us to successfully Launch our initiative  so we can Make an impacts together  on Ending  Poverty in Kenya.

Community Hands Against Poverty

CHAP has its hands and heart on the works of poverty in communities across Kenya, and can help to identify gaps at the systemic level and research.

Phone: +254729969072 /+254762171717

Non Governmental Organization

Registered by Ngo- Coordination Board

Reg No: OP.218/051/14-0354/11019


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